Today’s students are complex. Not only are they creatures of habit who have to adapt to a new learning environment (meaning a college campus as opposed to the comfort of home/school), but they also have so many new, often-integrated systems like Blackboard, homework systems, emergency alerts, a keycard to access everything. They also have their “lifeline,” meaning their smartphone. Traditional students (and we know there are many returning students who present an entirely different picture) are completely accustomed to “immediate access” to everything. Because of this very real dynamic, educators and administrators have to shift their classroom tools and they way they manage their classroom to accommodate for this. Copia Class has created their platform to do just this… work where students are and in the “real time” that they expect. Right from within their reading experience, they can see/share notes from classmates or their instructor. Increased engagement, we know from very public research on this topic, results in greater student comprehension of material and long-term success as they further their educational pursuits. Are you ready to engage with us too?